Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Speech Digression

My apartment is heavily painted with invisible reds and skyblues. The result is somewhat different than the sky when it turns from day to sunset. That's at least progression. The result is the opposite. It's digression. Each day is like the movie Groundhog Day. It's as predictable as the last time you lived it.
The number of colors in the apartment reflects the number of topics that exist in apartment converstaions. Both topics of conversation utilize x's and o's. One topic discusses how teams score points, the other discusses how individuals score points. It's a game of tactics in which doing nothing is a tactic, and playing too hard is losing. But, loss is never admitted. Strangely, victory is either missing or mocked. However, mocking must abide one rule: you have to say the same thing every time. No new material is allowed for mocking.
Experience's classroom teaches that, in the land of opinions and self-proclaimed geniuses, there is only enough room for silence and the assurity and there is still nothing valuable being said.


colloquialism said...

The word would be regression, viz.
Digression:An instance of digressing, especially a written or spoken passage that has no bearing on the main subject.

Regression:the act of going back to a previous place or state; return or reversion,retrogradation; retrogression.

I guess both work, but technically the opposite of progression( moving forward) would be regression.

Either it is funny.

Wanamakers said...

True, makes me reminisce (sp?) and yet having finally moved on past those topics of conversation, it makes me sincerely smile to think on it!