Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas, and Get Over It

I have an opinion when it comes to political correctness during the holiday season.
It's become more of a common consideration to say, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."
That's dumb.
I understand that not everyone's Christian, but why on earth should that matter.
If I started hearing a lot more people say, "Happy Hanukkah" or "Merry Ramadan," I would think it was great.
I hate to make such an harsh statement, but frankly, if you're belief system doesn't teach you to look past and accept other people's differences, that's not everyone else's problem.
Be happy that other people are being happy. Not only that, but, whether you're Christian or not, be thankful other people are celebrating holidays that promote peace on earth and good will toward men.


Nathan said...

I almost wish Christmas was in the minority, just so I could prove how cool as a cucumber I would be with the December holiday leader.

But with my luck, I'd be one of the hot heads who couldn't handle it.

I guess it's good Christmas is all over the place. Otherwise, I'd be a real jerk, eh?

mackenzie moon said...

whoa! you're alive! You changed the title of your blog! :)