Saturday, November 8, 2008

Toaster Ovens

Here's a shot at request #1:

Many of you have probably heard of the Happy Little Toaster Oven. What on earth were those writers thinking? On one hand you have the Pixar people who sit around and come up with creative plots and perspectives, and they turn them into fabulous movies. On the other hand, you have the people who thought of the Happy Little Toaster Oven, who is joined by other household appliances on a grand adventure. Apparently no one told those writers that one key to having an adventure is mobility. The Pixar people obviously understood this concept; Buzz Lightyear could go to infinity and beyond, and I don't even know where infinity is. The biggest adventure any of my appliances have had was when someone put metal in the microwave. Maybe my next project will be to write a movie about that. I can call it The Messed Up Little Microwave and he can be joined by all the other little messed up appliances that can be found in college housing. Tangent: My roommate Jeff told me that at his last apartment they opened the microwave one time and it didn't stop... we're glad he's still with us. Returning from tangent: I just realized that it's not the Happy Little Toaster Oven, it's the Brave Little Toaster. My bad everyone, toasters are much more reasonable protagonists. So, if you're looking for a good flick, you might want to consider what appliance you'll be joining on their wild rides.

1 comment:

Wanamakers said...

Awesome! How about a request for exercise or . . . christmas presents? Love ya!