Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Observations of an Only Boy

I have talked in the past about writing a book that is based on my observations as an Only Boy. I don't have sufficient time or memory to put down everything at once, so I've decided my blog is the perfect place to put down pieces of it. Here is the first one:

There’s many possible variations in life: curled, crimped, straight, wavy, etc, not to mention bangs, no bangs, pulled back, put up, done up, or let down. Anybody who has had the blessing of an education understands what it’s like to memorize lists, which become useful in future conversations. That’s what I thought as far as being somewhat knowledgeable about girls, until I was rudely awakened to the hard truths of reality. Most men will never get it. I’m not sure I’m all the way there, but let me relate an experience that could shed some light on the subject for some confused soul. There I sat talking with some of my family, when the sister just younger than me announced that she still had to straighten her hair because it needed to be curled. It sounded so commonplace by the sound of her voice that I tried desperately to not look as dumbfounded as I felt. Straighten to curl? That’s like a man saying he’s got to shave so he can grow facial hair!


nic and krista said...

women! let me tell you something, it's just not worth the effort (trying to understand them). just smile and agree.

Whitlie said...

Yay! I'm so glad you have a blog...you have potential to become like the best blogger ever. Woot!

Katers said...

Shawn Moon! Hey I found your blog through Whitlie...Nice blog and nice prayer the other day at devotional :)

nic and krista said...

shawn, i got in trouble for my last comment. my new advice is to just keep your mouth shut, happy wife, happy life!

lovely laurie said...

You crack me up--great observation!